Slovak (EUR)
Urban Classics Kids

Girls Short Kimono Tee 2-Pack white+white Grösse: 110/116

Kód: i597_919451_919405
Cena dnes
16.54 EUR
22.81 EUR -27%
5-8 pracovních dní
Aby sme vám mohli poskytnúť čo najširší sortiment kvalitných výrobkov za konkurencieschopné ceny, máme naše výrobky na sklade u dodávateľov v Nemecku. Z tohto dôvodu sa dodacia lehota pohybuje v rozmedzí 5-8 pracovných dní.
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Viac o produkte

This Girls Short Oversized Tee from URBAN CLASSICS is perfect for a casual cool look. The soft jersey fabric is made in a wide oversized fit and completes your urban look. Whether with tight jeans or shorts, this Tee always moves you in the right light. The design is rounded off by the round neck and the narrow sleeves. The oversized Tee is therefore perfect for elegant as well as for casual outfits. Choose your favorite color and start into the new season.

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